- I offer international shipping.
- It is highly recommended that you read the information I provide here before placing an order.
- End-to-end tracking is only available in 43 countries (list below).
- Orders are shipped in kraft paper envelopes with reused/repurposed packing supplies to minimize waste.
- Orders will be sent after 3 - 5 business days of processing time.
- All orders are handled by the French Postal Service La Poste and shipped from France.
- I do not have any control of what happens to your package(s) once they’re dropped off at the post office.
- Please understand that I’m one person running a small business and not big e-commerce platforms or multi-billions corporations; therefore every refund/return has a big impact on me. I also cannot provide a swift delivery or free return.
Estimated arrival times after your order has been dispatched are:
- France: 3- 5 business days
- EU: 4 - 14 business days
- Everywhere else: 7 - 60 business days
Delivery times are highly dependent on the geopolitical context and the international transport capacities available depending on current events.
Track your order:
- If you check out with tracking option, you will receive with a tracking number once your order is dropped off at the post office for shipping.
- You can track your order on La Poste tracking page.
- If the order is shipped without tracking, I don’t have access to the progress of the delivery.
- It is recommended to have your order sent with a tracking number, however, all orders are handled by La Poste and end-to-end tracking is only available for the following 43 countries:
Albania, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Togo, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.
If your country is not on this list, tracking is only effective up to the French border (tracking might not be available in some French oversea territories)
- I cannot issue a refund for a lost untracked order.
- I cannot issued a refund for a lost order that cannot be tracked end-to-end (consult the list of 43 end-to-end tracking countries).
- I cannot issue a refund if the tracking shows that your order has been delivered to the address you provided.
Shipping cost is calculated depends on your location and is set by La Poste.
France (mainland) and Monaco: €2 (tracking included)
Rest of the world: €2.20 (no tracking); €5 (with tracking)
Free shipping is offered to orders over €50 with code FREESHIPPING at checkout (don’t forget to use the code).
Orders outside the EU may be held by the receiving country and might require the payment of customs fees. Customers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply.